December 27, 2011

Dental Mini Implants vs. Traditional Dental Implants

There’s a lot of talk on the internet about dental implants and dental mini implants. When you’re looking for answers about which to choose, it can be pretty confusing. But there are very real
differences between traditional dental implants and dental mini implants. Let’s review what differentiates one from the other.

Right from the start let's make it clear that both types of implants are designed to provide a cosmetic and fully functioning replica of your original teeth or tooth. They both have essentially two elements: the device that is embedded into the upper or lower bone and the crown that is designed specifically for each person so as to fit aesthetically within their mouth. And that's where the similarities end.

Dental mini implants reflect a significantly less invasive procedure. Traditional implants involve incisions and stitches and use a truly surgical procedure requiring the separation of the gum from the bone in order to create the proper surface and receptacle for an implant device. Dental mini implants are put into the bone through the gum without the need for sutures. As a result, the recovery time is only 7-10 days for dental mini implants versus 2-4 months for traditional implants.

Also, because of the more simplified procedure, dental mini implants have less risk of causing infections; and there are no screw or cement to get loose requiring dental repairs. In additon, the process for dental mini implants can be done in a single session with your implant dentist.

Finally, because of the ease and speed with which dental mini implants are inserted, oftentimes they are used as excellent cosmetic transitional treatments while waiting for traditional dental implants to be designed, prepared and integrated as part of the jaw. Dental mini implants are not for everyone, so you have to have a personal evaluation to see if they are best to suit your needs.

Oh, and the best part is the cost of dental mini implants is less than 25% of traditional implants; another reason to consider dental mini implants vs. traditional dental implants. 

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December 20, 2011

7 Benefits Of Dental Mini Implants

Dental mini implants replace the entire missing tooth from root to
crown, which is the reason that implants look, feel and function like natural teeth.

The benefits of using dental mini implants are numerous and address both the physical as well as the mental aspects of a patient suffering from the loss of teeth.

Here are seven specific benefits of dental mini implants:

  1. By replacing the root portion of the tooth, you are preserving the jawbone. When teeth are missing, the bone that once integrated with the root begins to melt away or deteriorate. The presence of having the root in place (original or implant), stimulates the bone around it thereby supporting circulation and strengthening the bone.

  2. The restoration of your appearance and self-confidence improves the overall quality of life.

  3. The positive effect the dental mini implant has on your jawbone helps to preserve the integrity of the facial structure. By preventing the reabsorption of the bone which would occur without the implant, the face will not suffer from a severe deformation of the facial features.

  4. By using implants instead of other treatment choices such as
    bridges, the teeth on either side of the implant are not impacted
    in any way. With the use of a bridge, the teeth on both sides
    need to be ground down to allow for the bridge to be cemented
    in place. This healthy tooth structure can never be replaced and
    the long-term health of these teeth is compromised.

  5. Partial dentures have clasps that hook onto the adjacent teeth.
    With such anchoring, as the dentures rock back and forth, an
    inevitable characteristic of partial dentures, the anchor teeth receive
    undo pressure resulting in a loosening which compromise their

  6. Oral care of dental mini implants is much easier than any other
    treatments and only as rigorous as caring for your natural teeth.

  7. Finally, choosing dental mini implants over other treatments for
    missing teeth eliminate the need for denture adhesives, allow for
    you to eat an unencumbered diet improving your nutrition, and
    eliminates the fear of being embarrassed when eating, laughing
    or just talking. Your new dental mini implants are secure, natural
    looking and as good as new.

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December 13, 2011

Considering The Dental Implant Option?

Did you know that as many as 100 million Americans have lost at least one tooth? As you might expect, most of these people really begin to value their own, original, healthy teeth. And they are usually excited to learn that dental implants can offer them artificial teeth that look very natural and feel remarkably secure.

Whether you have full or partial dentures or are just missing teeth, dental implants may be an option for you.  As a means of attaching natural-looking teeth directly to the jaw, implants can replace one or more teeth, provide support for a bridge or be used to attach a full denture for either retention or support.

At this time, there are two types of implants that are considered safe and effective by the American Dental Association. These are endosteal and subperiosteal implants.

To determine which type of implant to use, our practice first looks at the patient's jawbone. The jawbone must be able to support the implants, and both the quantity and the quality of bone must be taken into consideration.            

Endosteal implants act like a metal "root" and are implanted directly into the jawbone. When the jawbone is thick, a cylindrical endosteal implant is used. When the jawbone is thin, a slender, plate-type implant is recommended.

Unlike an endosteal implant, subperiosteal implantation does not go directly into the jawbone.  Instead, a metal framework is inserted onto the jawbone and under the gum tissue. This approach is used when the jawbone has an inadequate amount of bone available for endosteal implantation.

Patients who are candidates for subperiosteal implants usually have been lacking some or all of their teeth for several years and there is not enough bone to support their denture without pain.

The jawbone itself can also be changed or augmented to create a foundation for the implant or implants needed by the patient. To a great extent, the choice of removable or non-removable replacement teeth by the patient will dictate the kind of implants used; and the type of implant, in turn, is usually the determining factor regarding whether or not augmentation of the jawbone is necessary.

A thorough dental evaluation including a clinical examination of your teeth, radiography (x-rays) and a complete medical history is required to determine if you would be a good implant candidate.

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December 6, 2011

What Type Of Care Is Required For Dental Implants?

Once you have had your dental implants you want to make sure you protect your investment in your health and the time and money you’ve invested, too. It’s essential you understand that the gums and the bone that your dental implants sit in, are the foundation of your smile. The area around the gumline of your implants must be kept clean daily and regularly professionally.

Your dental implants aren’t subject to dental decay, but they are at risk of gum disease in the same way your natural teeth are at risk of gum disease. We recommend that you floss daily. You can also clean the teeth with brushes that fit in the spaces between the teeth. These are called interproximal dental brushes. Brush for approximately 2 minutes twice daily with a soft toothbrush. We also recommend using the Hydrofloss once daily. At night before you go to sleep, or in the evening after you’ve eaten your last meal, are the best times to use a Hydrofloss. The Hydrofloss is a dental irrigator and in the head of the irrigator tip is a magnet that changes the polarity of the water. This change in polarity interferes with plaque bacteria, the cause of gum disease, sticking to the teeth and building up at the gumline.

Research has taught us that the plaque that grows at the gumline has a specific pattern of growth. The bacteria form what are called colonies and with time, the colonies of bacteria become more mature and more destructive. Research has shown that the optimum time period to break up the bacterial colonies is at 3 months. Therefore, it makes sense that to give yourself and your dental implants optimum protection, the most favorable time interval between professional dental cleanings is 3 months. In this way, if there are any bone-destroying bacteria present, the professional cleaning is disrupting the bacterial colonization so that it has to start all over again. This helps stop the establishment and progress of any gum disease.

For information about taking care of your dental implants or other dental topics please visit