What are porcelain veneers and how do they accomplish creating a Hollywood smile or smile makeover? Porcelain veneers are eggshell thin pieces of porcelain that are bonded onto the outer surface of your teeth to resurface your teeth. They can change the color, change the shape, change the size, fill in gaps, "straighten" tooth rotations, and do all of this while providing a surface that's smoother than your own tooth enamel and resistant to stain.
Porcelain veneers are usually done from start to finish in
two office visits after an initial visit to analyze how your dream smile will
be accomplished, and initial impressions may be taken for planning. Sometimes we prepare a mockup of the smile
changes on a dental model, and sometimes we can use photographs and show you a
simulated photo of how your smile will look after you have veneers, but before you go for it.
There are varying factors that determine how much, if any, tooth structure will be removed to produce a healthy and beautiful result. It’s important to understand how much tooth structure will be removed. If
tooth structure is removed, that is not reversible. This factor is important because your veneers
will last for many years (10-15 years is the statistical average, although we
have patients who have veneers for longer than that), however, the younger you
are, you should be aware that down the road you may want to replace
them due to slight color changes. If you
want the option to not have to replace them, you would want to know if it’s possible
to get the result you want without removing any tooth structure. If no tooth structure is removed, the procedure is reversible. It usually is advisable to remove some tooth
structure especially at the gum line, to encourage optimum gum health, and to
have the most natural looking result.
Porcelain veneers feel very smooth and feel just like your
own teeth. They require no additional
care other than your routine brushing and flossing. It’s advisable not to eat ice or bite into
bones with your veneers. Interestingly
enough, the strength of the porcelain over the front of your teeth actually
strengthens your teeth.
The process is simple, the results are life changing. If you’ve been unhappy with your smile, what
are you waiting for?
For information about other dental topics visit www.TavorminaDentistry.com or call
us for a complimentary cosmetic evaluation at 973-761-5090.
Great article! I've been looking for a quality dentist in Farmington NM, but haven't have any success yet. Do you have any suggestions?
ReplyDeleteVery Informative article. Porcelain veneers are an excellent alternative to crowns.
ReplyDeleteDentist in Oakville
Thanks for this. I've been looking up information on dental veneers because I'm thinking about getting some. My friend from Tucson, AZ has told me for a while that it would be a good idea for me to get them and now I want to.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this useful post encounter with veneers/cosmetic oral perform. I think we will definitely begin doing some analysis on who to strategy for a assessment.
ReplyDeletePorcelain veneers feel very smooth and feel just like your own teethVENEERS IN KATY, TX.
ReplyDeletePorcelain veneers are usually done from start to finish in two office visits after an initial visit to analyze how your dream smile VENEERS IN KATY, TX.
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ReplyDeletePorcelain veneers are the latest techniques used by a dentist that helps to improve the look of your teeth and smile.
ReplyDeleteDentist in Childersburg
Porcelain veneers feel very smooth and feel just like your own teeth. VENEERS IN PEARLAND,TX.
ReplyDeletePorcelain veneers feel very smooth and feel just like your own teeth. VENEERS IN PEARLAND,TX.