June 19, 2013

Does A Great Smile Equal A Great Job?

Many people may consider the cosmetics of their smile to be unimportant compared to their dental health, and we certainly can understand that way of thinking.  However, the appearance of your smile and the health of your smile are usually quite connected.  Life demonstrates that cosmetics are a lot more important than one may think.

Of course, first and foremost, you want to have healthy teeth and gums.  Proper daily dental hygiene of brushing and flossing is the first line of defense against dental problems.  Next, visiting the dentist regularly, according to a health maintenance schedule that is appropriate to your personal dental health needs is necessary.  Once you are on this right track, take the time to look at the appearance of your smile.   What do people really see when you smile?  How does your smile make people feel?  Do you hold back from smiling?

The answers to these questions are really interesting when considering what a potential employer sees or is reacting to.  We all know, even if we don’t consciously think about it, that there are stereotypic impressions made by different kinds of smiles.  Unfortunately the appearance of your teeth can connote stupidity or low socioeconomic status.  It isn’t nice and it isn’t fair, but it is a harsh reality of this world. Research has shown that when people are offered dental care, it increases their chances of employment.  

The most obvious deterrent to an employer hiring you would be missing teeth that can be seen when you speak or smile.  You can understand that especially if your position would involve contact with the public, such jobs are not going to be possibiities for you.  An employer cannot take a chance that your image will translate over to the image of the company.  Especially positions of service such as reception, cashier, sales, would be off the table for you most likely, if you are missing some or all of your front teeth.

Crowding of teeth and a smile with stains or blackened decay pose additional problems.  Bad breath from gum disease and obviously dirty teeth can be a deterrent to employment as well.

There is a terrible vicious cycle happening in our country where many people find themselves unemployed for extended periods of time.  Once dental problems such as those discussed in this post appear, the cycle of unemployment is difficult to break.

Good daily prevention can help prevent this cycle, but sometimes that is not enough without professional dental care.  Whether you are unemployed or have no dental coverage of any kind, remember that visiting the dentist even once a year is not a big expense (payment plans can usually be arranged – especially if you have had a good working relationship with a dentist before you came on hard times).  Staying away from the dentist when resources are low or depleted actually will cost you more in the long run – more time and more money to restore the damage, as well as dfifficulty getting employment.
For information about other dental topics visit www.TavorminaDentistry.com


  1. Nice post. This is an interesting and very informative topic. Thanks for sharing you thoughts on this issue.

    Kailua Dentist

  2. I think that a great smile really does equal a lot of great things, I am not positive about a great job, but that is and interesting thought. It probably would help though, because it can make you seem more inviting and well put together. I am in need of a dentist appointment, have you heard anything about lethbridge dental? Thanks for the thoughts though!
